It's October and I try to at least to make a post once a month. Last post was about folks getting shot in the genitals. Let's face it it's very cringe worthy esp if you're male. It's notable and dare I say educational.
Let's keep in mind that Crusty ER Tech ususally blogs once a month with a drink or two aboard.
Aside from a gory story or bitching about asinine nurses ( or docs, midlevels etc) much of what I say goes into the void. Being an ER tech is very much a transitional or dead end job. So why stay why do the job still for piffile?
One reason is it's better than the ambu. seriously.
You're (that's right buzzed I still know the difference between your and you're) warm and dry in the winter and cool (and dry) in the summer.
I can only say I love the job. Sure I get the occasional horrific code brown and deal with ignorant medical or nursing staff. Often I get looked down upon and people are surprised by my knowledge and experience. Smart charge nurses let me do my thing and ask for specific tasks occasionally. I see and experience a lot more. More is better.
I don't work in your common ER I work in a a large urban area level 1 trauma center which affords me a great deal of latitude. Some days it can be maddening and others it can be uplifting. it's a tough job in a tough place and no I am not blowing smoke up your ass.
For those aspiring EMT types out there. There is more you just gotta push yourself but for those of us who cannot get past the math based courses in college there is no shame in the blue collar ethic of EMS or the ER tech. Keep training, keep pushing no matter what.