Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Number 12

I wanted to write about Nurse No (a floor nurse) who trapped a patient in a bathroom because she misread a chart and thought it said tuberculosis instead of a simple pneumonia. It’s a funny story. Instead since school has started and I lack time to properly write a longish story I’ll write about the 2 minute call for a T.O.D.

A young male is the victim of a single small caliber (turned out to be a .25 caliber) GSW to the chest, it appears to exit around the t-spine area.  The patient comes in via ambulance; a trauma surgeon is present in the trauma bay.  The trauma surgeon is watching the entire scene from the door. He says the usual things “Put him on the monitor and let’s get him stripped to see if he’s got another wound someplace.” The trauma doc says “Look if I’m going crack his chest we got to know some things real fast.”  Both happen real quick, yup only the two wounds (Apparently the entrance and exit wounds). He asks the paramedics how long the transport was and when the call dropped. He looks at the patient and looks at the clock, then the monitor, then asks his team if anyone fees a pulse. 

No pulse.

He says “He’s dead.” The trauma surgeon and his team leaves without a word. 

Time of death was exactly two minutes from when the patient rolled into the trauma bay.

It does happen that quickly. No shit.

I'll try now to put in an entry a month since school has started back so check back in a few weeks. The Crusty ER Tech has to get his degree so he can get the hell out of the ER.

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