Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Seventy Four

Line of the day made by yours truly.....

"It puts the leads on the skin or it gets the hose again"

Said to a nurse who was vapor locked while we were working a particularly sick patient.

Now back in October I said I'd post once a month...I lied. Life tends to jump in the way of 'ol Crusty ER Tech and things got away from me for a bit. End of semester worries, vehicle break downs, the holidays and other things conspired against me.

New year, same ol' Crusty ER Tech.

I'll be on the job a bit more now with a break from school to get some funds saved and ty to get my head around more advanced math. In the mean time you all will benefit from fresh stories and (hopefully) some words of wisdom.

Most of all dear readers take care of yourselves and each other. Keep in mind we are often the ones folks rely on in times of great need on the worst day of their life.

Now go out there and stamp out pestilence and disease.