Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Twenty Seven

Way busy with school just wanted to comment on why when you're a new employee in an ER that hardly anyone will talk to you. I had this discussion with a friend and we determined that:

The unwritten rule is that a new person isn’t worth as much because they have not put their time in yet and it is said if you are gonna quit or get fired in the ER it’s better to get it in the first few weeks, the logic being you don’t suffer that much, I can believe that.

A small nod to "Platoon" for the inspiration.

It's callous and real unforgiving, it's my reality.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Twenty Six

The crusty one is busy with school shit so he won't have to be an ER tech until he drops over dead. In the interim I decided to give you an eyeful:

Why did they not have ambulances like this...ever?

Friday, February 7, 2014

Twenty Five

Random hilarity.

I was having a conversation with a relative about of all things gladiator movies. Now not the Russell Crowe one but the real cheezy Italian ones from the 70's. It was a discussion about how a certain in law has truly awful tastes in movies. If this relative likes the movie then it's guaranteed loser.

This conversation got me to thinking about this great PA I used to work with. This dude was at the top of his game constantly and was often better than some of the docs who had to sign off on his orders actually a  majority of the docs in the group he belonged to trusted him so much they consulted him on really strange cases. This PA was an old special forces medic who was the epitome of being a true professional.

He has a wicked sense of humor and could be VERY random. I witnessed him time and time again walk into a drunk patients room and ask them "So, what's this fascination you have with gladiator movies?" He'd never repeat the question but it always cracked me up. The dk pt would always say "Wha?" and he'd just say "Oh never mind" he did this shit for the entire time I was at west of the Mississippi po-dunk level 3. One of the few bright spots there.

I finally asked him what the hell this line was all about and he reminded me of the line from Airplane:

Plus he said it was a way of really loosening the staff up. I could not think of any tech or nurse there who would not bend over backwards or take a punch for SF Medic/PA. He had a great insight about people in fact he was one of the few people who I could say who is a true leader of staff. SF Medic/PA was one of the reasons I sat on the fence for so long about deciding between PA & Nursing school because he said and I quote "PA school? PFFFTTTT I had a blast I'd do it again in a heartbeat." If I thought I could be a 1/10th of the PA this guy is I'd give PA school a shot.

You also have to consider that PA school to him was probably a cake walk compared to all the other schools and training he had to do over his military career.

Anyways, that was years ago. I have no doubt that he's still working in an ER someplace out west asking every drunk patient he signs up for "So...what's this fascination you have for gladiator movies?"


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Twenty Four

Or how the NFL does it:


It's stuporbowl sunday or stupid bowl sunday as we called it when I had to work on this day in the past (Today I am studying) It's one of the rookie nights of the year as well. And although I have an attachment to one team over the other I won't be watching the game, I honestly need to hit the books. 

I have not forgotten what day it is though. So if you can stay home drink yer beers and have a blast watching the game. Because I have not posted one since the holidays here is some superbowl sunday sweetness for us guys out there:

 In case you're wondering her name is Sarah Frechette. Stay tuned more hair greying stories to come from the CERT.