Friday, January 23, 2015

Forty seven

Not that I pay much attention to it I just noticed that the old crusty ER tech has gotten over 5000 hits on this here blog. Well shit everyone, thanks. Now compared to what any social media star gets in their corner of the internet 5k is nothing. For CRT 5k is a nice round number and it might mean that some people out there get what it's like or at least want to know what it's like working in a dynamic environment such as an ER.

I will say that not all my tales come from the same ER or even in the same region of the country. One thing that I have learned is that when it comes to an ER much everything is the same. Yeah..yeah there ARE slight variations here and there commonality is the thread that holds it all together whether it is in a urban inner city hospital or a 3 bed rural ER. At now 47 entries and over a measly 5000 hits have I run out of things to say?


I have attempted to show what kind of personalities work in and come to an emergency room. I've said many times that there is often a very fine line between care givers and patients in ANY emergency room.  Sometimes the line can be blurred. One thing that I have learned in all the regions and ERs that I have worked in is that a truly great ER has fantastic team work.

For all my grumbling (trust me there is a ton of it) about my current job at Inner City Trauma Center we have great team work day in and day out. We have to or we'll get crushed. Sure those clip board nurses often get in the way we still manage though despite the tsunami of humanity we see in any 24 hour period. When I worked at a hospital out west (or was it back east...hell I forget) I worked in a ER where there was a bunch of glory seekers. People who would not get out of their chair for a cup of ice or pillow for a patient, hold on though when a code/cor-0 or hot trauma/trauma-cor came in through the doors then they would fly off that chair like they had a rocket strapped to their asses. It could have been great there it was not because of a culture of indifference.

I do not mean to paint a bleak picture of our healthcare system. My purpose is now to paint a landscape of what it is to work in such a place like an ER. To that end I endeavor with each key stroke.

For all of you who have read this so far thanks, I appreciate it. Frankly I'd write here whether or not anyone read it. Keep checking it out I still got more to come.

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