Monday, June 10, 2013

Number Eight

Screaming female patient is brought in via ambulance after an altercation with police. Well not so much an altercation, the police just did not want to deal with her. The patient is a middle aged female wheel chair bound schizophrenic. This woman went off her meds and smoked crack the entire night before. She then deteriorated into a true menace to her neighborhood. Menace is probably the wrong word to describe this woman but the only one my small tech mind can think of at the moment.

In just a few hours of the early morning this woman said she saw UFOs flying in the sky and she needed to shoot them down. She fired several shots in the air and shot one of these UFOs down (and no I do not know the type of gun or the caliber of the gun.)  She then claimed to have seen this UFO crash land in a neighbor’s back yard where the unscathed alien escaped the wrecked UFO and went into a neighbor’s house. The wheelchair woman seeing this decided to confront the neighbor about them harboring an alien from outer space. Naturally the neighbor would not answer the door when they saw and heard the wheelchair bound woman screaming at them and waving a gun around.

The wheelchair bound woman now is determined to finish this alien off whom she shot down.  No one will come out so she decides in the interest of saving us humans that she should burn the neighbor’s house down.  She somehow procures some sort of flammable fluid and sets fire to the house which has the outer space alien in it. As the house begins to really catch fire the police arrive and call the fire department. Fortunately the woman ran out of ammo shooting at the UFO’s earlier and decided to as a last resort after confronting the neighbor throw her gun at the then burning house.

The neighbor’s house sustains minor damage; no one is injured during this incident. The woman is brought to the urban city hospital where she is removed from the wheel chair and placed on a bed and proceeds to scream at everyone for the next hour until the attending decides that yes, this woman needs to be chemically restrained, only after she has torn everything off her bed and is close to tipping this bed over from her violent rocking of the bed back and forth.

The alien from outer space was never found nor was the UFO.

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